a fun diary by Lia!


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I am a young child named Lia who is living in some version of the future after the world has experienced some sort of climate crises. Lia doesn't seem to know what to make of the information from her parents and ultimately decides to have a bake sale to help people out.

There were issues with capitalization and spelling throughout, which I didn't think was intentional, but then I got to a part where Lia is misspelling fruit names and assumed it must have been a stylistic choice. I feel somewhat ambivalent about this, but it did help remind me that this is from the voice of a small child.  Perhaps the mistakes could be more consistent or pointed out in more obvious ways throughout the story?

The inclusion of the drawing was a nice touch and I think it would be interesting to explore more of that throughout the narrative. I was also confused about the ending and was unclear if it there was more that I couldn't see beyond the frame (please check the box to enable fullscreen from the itch.io dashboard when uploading your game). Aside from that, it felt a bit jarring because it suddenly ended the experience without giving me any greater insight or resolution to anything I was experiencing throughout the game.  What would you like players to leave the experience with?

The pairing of the insight regarding what is going on in the world with the limited understanding of the child is interesting. I think it could be expanded upon even further with moments in which we, as the intelligent players/readers, can clearly understand details about the circumstances that the child just doesn't understand. Perhaps a combination of written and visual narrative?

I'm a little girl named Lia who writes in her journal about living on a remote island with her family in future climate crisis times. The ending I reached is when I drew a picture of a bake sale I had with my family.

The drawing was cute! It felt like a real kid drew it with the weird proportions and crayon texture. I liked how hopeful Lia was about her parents saving the world and things getting better even though she lives in what most people of our time fear the upcoming generations living in. 

The part where some of the options don't disappear when exploring them (I flipped between talking to mom and talking to dad a good couple times) confused me a bit because to my knowledge you were just writing in your diary, not necessarily actively doing things in the day, so having repeated options made me think something was wrong. 

I'm a little girl who just turned 10 and writing in a journal for the first time. It ends with a drawing made by the little girl having a bake sale to help her parents. When the game first loaded it didn't load correct only if I click restart the game would load. The structure and the picture makes it all feel like journal. How some of the words are misspelled or the way it's worded a little girl wrote. It's interesting the crops are dying and it seems her parents can't find a way to solve it, but the little girl still believes they can do it.

This game was interesting! 

You play as a little girl writing in her diary and it seems to be near the end of the world. Her parents are researchers / trying to help people around them, and the little girl mindlessly listens and writes about it in her diary. I got a (kind of) ambiguous ending, as it ends on a drawing the little girl did in her diary of a bake sale? I'm unsure if this was intended or just an error with ink/formatting, but overall the game was fun!

I enjoyed playing as a little kid, and found the options & interacting with (my) parents fun! I think the formatting and dialogue could be improved upon, as some parts seem a bit stiff/forced. The little drawing I saw was really cute though, and I think if more of those are added throughout the story, it could be really immersive!

Overall, I like the direction this game is headed!

You play as a little girl writing in her diary as climate change destroys the earth. I got the bake sale ending. There were a handful of grammatical and spelling issues throughout this. I am not sure if those in Lia's diary entries were intentional but there were others outside of it. Also under one "turn the page" option, I suspect you left a note for yourself in there bc I'm hard pressed to believe a Nordic child would write "eh whateva thats a problem for tomorrow me". The illustrations were a good move in selling the child's pov and I think this is an interesting concept but I think this could have been pushed further. 

I play as a little girl writing a diary, set in the future where climate change has melted the permafrost, exposing the world to diseases. The ending I got was a drawing of a bake sale. I didn't have any issues that stopped me from playing, but there was one image of I assume a polar bear that didn't load, and the viewport window was very small. I liked the drawing, and thought they added to the diary feel, but I feel like the blue digital pen felt a little strange, it might be nice to have it look like it was actually drawn in a diary. I enjoyed the little bits of world building I got, but at first I was confused about whether the diseases were for people or crops.

(1 edit)

I play as a young girl writing in a diary, and the world is in the future where many plants are no longer able to grow. I reached the ending where I held the bake sale but my parents took my money and Uncle June left. I played again and this time I got shot by Uncle June :( There are some issues with the image making the options unviewable, but that can be fixed by getting rid of the overflow line in css. I really liked the bake sale picture, and it added to the feeling that this is a little kid. It was cute that if you don't write anything and turn the page, you get a note that "this is a problem for tomorrow me."

I’m a little girl who is writing in her diary and living in the relative future. My parents are scientists I think and they are trying to develop a cure for a rapidly spreading disease. The ending I received was the doodle of the bake sale. I think the small play window made it a little difficult to get through and the ending was a little unclear, I wasn't sure if it was done or if there was more I could press. I really liked the doodle because it genuinely felt like a little kids' diary.

This is written in the words of a little girl, describing how the world has changed due to the occurrence of some kind of disaster. I love this kid's perspective, it's fresh enough and yet refreshing enough to realize the cruelty of these changes. I reached the ending of the "Bake Sale" and saw an illustration. I'm not sure if this is the ending of the game because it seems like daily life is still going on (maybe I'm too dark, I originally thought the virus would cause an irreversible ending).

There are a few images that don't display properly during gameplay, but I imagine this is an issue that's easily fixed.

The illustrations are so cute! I like them very much.

I play as Lia, a young girl writing in her diary about her world, which seems on the verge of global apocalypse. I ended on seeing the bake sale poster, though I'm unsure if this is actually an ending, but I couldn't find any further dialogue option.

I personally think the window for the game is very small. I enjoy it feeling like a small diary size, but sometimes choices would be cropped out or the text felt very claustrophobic to read.  I also encountered the polar bear photo not loading.

However the drawing is super adorable! It really helps contextualize the protagonist as a younger character who likes to doodle in their journals.  I love the worldbuilding and general concept, it's a really fun choice to be told through the eyes of a young child writing in their diary! My favorite moment was how she misspelled all the names of the fruits, lol. Little moments like that that reminded you that she was just a little kid were the most successful to me. Great job!

I play as Lia, a 10-year-old girl who just moved to Longyearbyen. Her parents are trying to stop a virus that is causing crop failure. The ending I got was Lia drawing a poster for a bake sale. The game is well done. There wasn't anything hindering my playthrough. The final image of the poster was a nice touch too. 

You play as a little girl named Lia who is living in a world thats impacted by global warming! I had some issues with the polar bear image not loading :( but i really liked the bake sale poster at the end! it was super cute and definitely something i would have made when i was that age. The drawings in the diary and really sweet, I wish there were more of them! I feel like that would give us a greater description of who Lia is based on what she likes to draw. I also wish you were able to elaborate on the world just a little bit further, like uncle june and what his deal is, what kind of work the parents are doing, etc. Good start to a story though!

I played as a 10 year old girl whose experiencing the effects climate change has had on the world. The ending I got was my uncle gave me a bunch of cash at my bake sale and I wondered if I would ever see him again. I wasn't able to see some of the images and sometimes I got stuck since i couldn't go full screen to see all the option or scroll down any further.  The spelling mistakes help reinforces that I am playing through the eyes of a child but it seems to be random and not like a child that doesn't know how to spell specific words/ unrealistic. The hand drawn picture of Lia with her family helped the game stick to the diary aesthetic.

you play as Lia who is living on an island that is trying to save the environment while a virus is breaking out. i got the ending where june shows up at the bake sale and gives her money. the images didn't load and some areas get stuck so i dont know if i i did reach an ending.i really like the idea and seeing this world fall apart through a kids eyes!